Giving Back

Love You More is a proud supporter of local and global charities as a way to give back to our community, in addition to supporting the talented artisans who make our jewelry. Each piece we create is inspired by Love You More’s central philosophy of living purposefully and generously. We are proud to have supported dozens of wonderful non-profits. 

A note from Gaby Ghorbani, our founder 

"Though I've devoted much of my life to the work of Pledge to Humanity, I felt led and inspired to create a line of jewelry with a deeper meaning behind it. Now, Love You More has become a reality... not only as beautiful pieces of jewelry but as a message behind every single necklace. My hope is that everyone who wears any of our Love You More collections, from the gold and classic to the trendy, will not only enjoy them, wear them and gift them,  but will also be reminded of  how wechange the world by loving more."